We love hearing from our customers, so we recently caught up with Ruby's owner, Ella. Join us as we share Ruby's journey of switching to Natural Instinct's raw dog food and discover the reasons behind their decision, the positive changes observed in Ruby and the unique aspects that make Natural Instinct their preferred choice.
Tell us your dog's name and a bit about them?
What's your dog's favourite thing to do?
Have you always fed raw / when did you switch to raw? What made you switch to raw dog food?
How long have you been feeding Natural Instinct?
What made you choose Natural Instinct?
What is your dog's favourite recipe(s)?
What is your dog's favourite Natural Instinct treat(s)?
Ruby's favourite Natural Instinct treat is the 'Lamb Lites'. She goes crazy for them, so we often cut them up and use them as training treats!
Ruby also loves the 'Lamb Spine' and 'Lamb Neck Bones'. They are a great, safe, and easy enrichment chew, filled with calcium and even help clean the teeth!
What positive changes have you noticed in your dog since feeding Natural Instinct?
Since feeding Natural Instinct, Ruby has had lots of energy, a shinier coat, and minimal vet visits!
Her dental health is great, and she has much healthier digestion, including smaller stools!
It is very common for dogs to be overweight, leading to health issues, especially joint problems within Golden Retrievers. We have always been wary of this, so we like to ensure Ruby is always a healthy weight to avoid unnecessary stress on her joints. Since feeding raw, we noticed it's much easier to manage Ruby's weight and consistently keep her at a good weight.
We regularly get compliments on how healthy she looks and what good shape she is in!
What's the best thing about feeding Natural Instinct?
The best thing about feeding Natural Instinct is that Ruby is getting all her nutrients in a natural way whilst also loving the taste!
Ruby is always crazy excited at meal or treat times. We particularly love that with Natural Instinct, you have never-ending options, with different meat choices and natural meal toppers such as Sprats, Whitebait, Beef Jerky, Lamb Lites and all kinds of fruit and veg!
What advice would you have for anyone considering switching to Natural Instinct?
If you're thinking about switching to feeding Natural Instinct, my advice would be to go for it!
We love that they have amazing treats and 3 different ranges of meals to cater for everyone.
If you haven't fed raw before, I would say go ahead and make the change or at least try adding some natural toppers to your dog's food! Just make sure to do some research first. There is a lot of helpful information on the Natural Instinct website!
Would you ever go back to feeding kibble?
We would not go back to feeding kibble; raw food has shown to be so much better for Ruby's health.
Feeding your dog a healthy, balanced diet is essential for their overall health and wellbeing, and we now believe Ruby could not get this from kibble.
Also, in my opinion, eating kibble is nowhere near as exciting as eating raw food for a dog. With kibble, it is so limited; it's almost like humans having the most processed, boring kibble every day!
Would you recommend Natural Instinct to friends and family?
Absolutely! We would highly recommend Natural Instinct to friends and family. They make raw feeding so simple, cater to dogs of all ages, with great quality and amazing customer service!
If your dog could talk, what would they say about Natural Instinct?
If Ruby could talk, she would say:
"Natural Instinct food and treats are delicious; it makes me feel so energised, healthy, and satisfied to fuel my daily adventures! My humans surprise me every day with different Natural Instinct recipes and treats, making me super excited for meal times! I would eat Natural Instinct all day if they let me!"
Instagram: @rubygoldennn
August 2023